GuideItaliaItalyItalienVenetienRivaBolzanoLago di GardaKlettersteigeKlettersteigführerSteigeDolomitisüdalpenItalienische AlpenTrentoKlettersteigSüdtirolAdigeEtschVal d'AdigeBrentagruppeDolomiti di BrentaSüdliche KalkalpenBellunoPale di San MartinobenacoSchiaraclimbBassanoFerrataPiccole DolomitiCivettaxzulxiron road
A guidebook to 77 via ferrata routes in the Italian Dolomites. Covering the southern region the routes are suitable for walkers, scramblers and climbers with a good head for heights and are perfect June through to September.
Routes are graded by technical difficulty and seriousness
Routes from keys areas including Brenta, Garda, Bolzano, Valle di Primiero, Riva, Vicenza
Local points of interest are featured including Civetta, Schiara, Pala, Trento, Lake Garda, Adige valley, Piccole Dolomites
Sketch maps included for each route
Part of a 2-volume set, an accompanying Cicerone guidebook Via Ferratas of the Italian Dolomites Volume 1 is also available