Two Years On A Bike
From Vancouver To Patagonia

Two Years On A Bike

From Vancouver To Patagonia
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Reise travel Natur cycling Fahrrad Radsport Reisebericht abenteuer nature Radfahren Bicycle Wildlife Fernweh maps Adventure Bikepacking Outdoors Escape Holiday gear travelogue
A bike is all you need to join this epic adventure, spanning continents and years, that will awaken your thirst for exploration. Imagine going from Canada to the southern tip of Argentina, powered by nothing but your own two legs. Pedaling through wind, rain and blistering sun until you reach the mythical Tierra del Fuego. It’s the epic adventure many dream of doing, and that photographer and travel writer Martijn Doolaard did in Two Years on a Bike. Here, his stunning photography takes us to the Californian coast, to the impenetrable jungles of Mexico, and to the ever-higher passes of the Andes. Chronicling the life of a bicycle nomad, Doolard packs his necessities into a couple of panniers and explores what it means to be at home in the world while embracing a life of minimalism. With tips along the way, Two Years on a Bike is for those who are inspired by impressive feats, and for those preparing their own bikepacking adventures.
3,10 kg
Year of publication:
Continent: South America
Country: Canada
State / Province: British Columbia
Region: patagonien
Places / Mountains / Lakes: Vancouver
Categories: Outdoor, Cycling Guides
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