GuideVereinigtes KönigreichGreat BritainUnited KingdomHikingWanderführerWandernScotlandOutdoorHebridesKüstenwanderungenOuter HebridesCoastal WalksHarris WalkwayLeòdhas agus na HearadhMinch-Kanal
96 Seiten, Fotos;Übersichtskarten, Detailkarten, Englisch;The Outer Hebrides are a place apart, an island chain stretching almost 200km from the Butt of Lewis to Barra Head with some of Britain's most mesmerising beaches, dramatic mountain ranges, wonderful wildlife, a long and fascinating history and a rich and vibrant Gaelic culture.This book features 40 mostly moderate walks, with many ideal for families, which take in magnificent sweeps of sand, soaring sea cliffs and memorable hill ascents, as well as celebrated cultural sights such as the haunting Standing Stones at Callanish and the blackhouse village of Na Gearrannan.
Verlag: Pocket Mountains
AutorInnen: Paul Webster,Helen Webster
EAN: 9781907025334
Erscheinungsjahr: 2013
Einband: Broschur
Format: 10,5 x 15 cm