GuideVereinigtes KönigreichorkneyUnited KingdomHikingWanderführerWandernFührerScotlandOutdoorspazieren gehenSpaziergängeOrkneysKirkwallStromnessSkara BraeEdayStronsayWestraybest walkseasy walksfamily walksBrough of DeernessGraemsayMarwick HeadOld Man of HoyRousay
15 of the best short walks on the Orkney Islands. Our guidebook comes with easy-to-read Ordnance Survey maps and clear route descriptions, perfect if you're new to walking or are looking for something you can enjoy with the whole family.
Includes Kirkwall Town, Skara Brae, Brough of Deerness, Marwick Head, Stromness, the Old Man of Hoy, Graemsay, Rousay, Eday, Westray and Stronsay
Most walks are under 4 hours in duration
Many walks are accessible by public transport, but some require private transport
Information on local beauty spots and refreshment stops