KarteMapHikingWandernWanderungenWanderwegetopografischWanderkarteOutdoorsüdalpenSloveniaslovenijaAlpi GiulieJulijske alpeSlowenische AlpenSüdostalpenWocheinSüdliche KalkalpenBischoflackPZSSlowenischer AlpenvereinPlaninska kartaPlaninska Zveza Slovenije
Soriška planina, Jelovica, Dražgoše, Porezen, Blegoš, Selška dolina This 1:25.000 hiking map will be of great use to anyone wanting to explore hilltops above the river Selška Sora which represent the northern part of Škofjeloško hribovje (Škofja Loka Hills) and southern part of Jelovica plateau. The most popular and scenic tops are Lubnik above Škofja Loka, Ratitovec above Železniki, Porezen and Soriška planina above Baška grapa valley and incredably scenic Blegoš.
Along with the hiking trails and mountain huts, this hiking map also includes other useful information, such as parking spaces, train and bus stops, restaurants, tourist farms, natural and cultural sites, crags, paragliders take-off areas, and many more.