Paradise Lost - English version / englische Ausgabe
The fantasy scratch card monster hunt through Vienna Human greed has destroyed the once magnificent jungle world of Vienna and attracted monsters. These monsters make the Viennese grumpy. Fortunately, monster hunter Georgina II is not idle. She searches the monsters and frees the Viennese from their grumpiness. Help her with this challenge!

Paradise Lost - English version / englische Ausgabe

The fantasy scratch card monster hunt through Vienna Human greed has destroyed the once magnificent jungle world of Vienna and attracted monsters. These monsters make the Viennese grumpy. Fortunately, monster hunter Georgina II is not idle. She searches the monsters and frees the Viennese from their grumpiness. Help her with this challenge!
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Wunderkammer Wien Monster Hunt: Paradise Lost

The fantasy scratch card monster hunt through Vienna! Discover the ruined paradise of Vienna, save the magical jungle creatures and free the Viennese from their grumpiness! Did you know that Vienna was once a jungle? A jungle where magical creatures lived. But the greed of the people drove these fantastic creatures away and the jungle had to give way to concrete. And so the monsters came back! They have settled in ruins in the lush green of Stadtpark and make the Viennese grumpy. Fortunately, monster hunter Georgina II is not idle. She searches the monsters and frees the Viennese from their grumpiness. You think that's impossible? Gather a group of courageous monster hunters and help her! A city map tells you the locations of the monsters, cards with riddles and hints help you in your hunt. With a sharp mind and open eyes, you will succeed in discovering the monsters. Once you have found them, their exciting stories await you. ● Playing time: 3 Hours ● Locations: Stadtpark - Donaukanal, 1st district, Vienna ● Start: Stadtpark ● Game Type: Fantasy ● Monster Hunter: 1-6, 7 + ● Difficulty: Hard ● Language: English Paradise Lost is the second game of the Wunderkammer Wien game series of the Urban Game Design Studio City Games Vienna. Using a combination of different technologies, the studio develops games that are played in the city.
Product Type:
Continent: Europe
Country: Austria
State / Province: Vienna
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