Plans included: Liménas Kalamátas (1:12 500) Yíthion (1:12 500) Órmos Kapsáli (1:5000) Dhiakofti (1:12 500) Monemvasía (Yéfira) (1:7500) Nísos Andikíthera to Nísos Kríti (1:190 000) On this 2018 edition the chart specification has been improved to show coloured light flashes. The chart has been reschemed and is now portrait so to include the passage to Crete. The overlap with adjoining chart G16 has been reduced so G15 now shows the area Kalámata to Nísos Kríti and Ákra Tourkovigla. The latest harbour works at Yíthion are included as are the completed harbour works at Monemvasía (Yéfira). The harbour plan of Koróni is not included in this edition. There has been general updating throughout.