KarteMapItaliaItalyValle d'AostaHikingWandernWanderungenWanderwegeCarta escursionisticatopografischWanderkarteOutdoorItalienische AlpenWestalpenVallée d'AosteAlpes gréesAlpi GraiepiemonteParco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso
The new series of "Le più belle escursioni" ("top walks") are practical booklets that go with 1:25,000 scale maps of Piemonte, printed on tough waterproof paper. A handy light sleeve with double pockets holding a full colour guide describing the 9 top walks from the area is included for the same price as the map.
Walking map 1:25,000 scale showing all the paths (with and without waymarking) recorded with satellite GPS.
Walking guidebook for Val Soana, Valle di Ribordone, Valle di Locana (Piedmont), with 9 routes selected from the best the area has to offer, with historical-cultural notes and colour photos.