MapItaliaItalyValle d'AostaHikingTrekkingWandernWeitwandernWanderkartesuissesvizzeraSwitzerlandStauseeOutdoorvalaisSchweizer AlpenItalienische AlpenHüttenWestalpenBerghüttenVallée d'AosteWeitwanderkarteSesiatalHüttentrekkingColle del TeoduloAnzascatalMattmarkGiro del Monte RosaMonte Rosa-UmrundungTour du Mont RoseValle Sesia
The Tour du Mont Rose is a round tour divided into 10 legs, which runs around Monte Rosa and the Mischabel in the Pennine range. It crosses three valleys, the Vallese, the Valtournenche and the Valsesia and in some stretches follows some ancient routes once used by the Walser populations to move across these valleys. Usually this trek starts in Zermatt (in the Vallese) and it follows an anti-clockwise direction, though it can also begin from Saas Fee, on the Swiss side, from Staffal in Valle d'Aosta, or from Macugnana in Piemonte. The guidebook shows photos, technical data and accomodation of the 10 legs. The map is printed on eco-friendly, extra strong and waterproof support and has a kilometric grid. The main route and the variations have been measured with GPS devices.