Die Peloponnes
Von Olympia bis Mykene. Bekannte archäologische Stätten und Geheimtipps der Peloponnes. Kunstreiseführer mit detailliertem Karten-Material

Die Peloponnes

Von Olympia bis Mykene. Bekannte archäologische Stätten und Geheimtipps der Peloponnes. Kunstreiseführer mit detailliertem Karten-Material
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Archäologische Stätten Kunstreiseführer Mykene Antike Griechenland Geschichte Antike Städte archäologie bücher archäologische reisen archäologischer reiseführer epidavros griechenland geheimtipp peloponnes highlights peloponnes korinth sehenswürdigkeiten peloponnes griechenland peloponnes olympia peloponnes sehenswürdigkeiten
The book provides an up-to-date overview of the very large number of archaeological sites in the Peloponnese; the time frame ranges from the beginnings in the Stone Age to the end of antiquity. It covers not only the widely known sites and museums, but also many smaller, less explored sites off the beaten tourist track that travellers encounter along the way. In the individual sections, the history of the sites is outlined and the preserved monuments are systematically explored; several maps as well as a multitude of plans and photographs facilitate orientation, and a detailed introduction facilitates historical classification. The extraordinary wealth of ancient cultural sites in the Peloponnese is presented to those interested in archaeology in a regional structure, making the volume an ideal basis for planning a trip.
Year of publication:
Continent: Europe
Country: Greece
Region: Peloponnes
Categories: Travel, Travel Guides
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