GuideVereinigtes KönigreichGreat BritainUnited KingdomNationalparkTrekkingWanderführerWandernweitwanderführerWeitwandernNorthern EnglandLake District National ParkCumbria Way
The Cumbria Way begins at Ulverston and heads north through the Lake District for 73 miles (123 km) through unspoiled dales, passing stone-built farms, going around charming lakes and running beneath rugged fells. Busy tourist towns and villages contrast with woodland, wild fellside, high passes and remote moorlands. The Way passes over the summit of High Pike (658 m/2158 ft) with panoramic views, and ends by descending to the historic border city of Carlisle.
This new edition covers various route updates (mostly near Ulverston), has larger scale mapping and includes many fresh photos. It is in our new, narrow format – more pocketable, with perfect binding sewn for extra robustness, lightweight and more rainproof than ever.