288 Seiten, Übersichtskarte, handgezeichnete Topos, Fotos;Luftbilder, Englisch;
Kletterführer zu den Calanques an der Mittelmeerküste der Provence südöstlich von Marseille.
Marseilleveyre, Les Goudes, Walkyries, Sormiou, Morgiou, Sugiton, Candelle, Val Vierge, Devenson, Eissadon, L’Oule, Castelvieil, En Vau, Cap Canaille, Bec de l’Aigle
Mandatory 6c maximum
1110 listed routes, of which 418 long routes and 15 traverses
Aquatic climbing "Deep water soloing": 33 traverses
70 original watercolours, 200 photos
New re-bolting, last routes, recent areas
22 treks, 10 VertiRandos, 2 complete traverses
Geopositioning with aerial photos
Jean-Louis Fenouil was born in Marseille. He has been exploring the Calanques since his childhood. Passionate about climbing, he has opened more than 600 pitches in the massif and in Corsica. Here is his 6th book illustrated with his own watercolours.