ENGLISH: All of Denmark is invaded by dunes. All of it? Not really - a small but resistant island keeps on fighting against the power of the sea. And the rocks of these island are beautiful and strong. Hundred of granite routes are to be found. No matter if sport or trad climbing, Bornholm has it all. The guidebook does not only describe the climbing destinations but also serves as a travel guide to fill up rest days. Other informations provided are: exposure to the sun, hight, number of routes in order of three stages of difficulty, suitability for children, steepness of the wall, protection. The routes have a colour code comparable to these of the ski pistes: blue, red, black. A three-star-quality ranking with stars make it easy to pick the cherries. This climbing- and travel guide is in two languages: English and German.
Many topos, full colour, complete travel informations german/english
Author: Karsten Kurz , ISBN 978-3-9819515-6-1