Balto & Togo
Dramatische Rettung in Eis und Schnee

Balto & Togo

Dramatische Rettung in Eis und Schnee
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Alaska Winter Schnee Eis Inuit Heilmittel Wettlauf Schlitten Arzt Husky Seuche Impfung ab 8 Jahren Hundeschlitten Nome 1925 Diptherie Malamute Serum
Balto & Togo
Race To Nome Alaska, 1925. In the dead of winter, an epidemic has taken hold in the small city of Nome. Isolated as it is by snow and ice, the only way the city can obtain much-needed medication is by dogsled. For 650 miles dog drivers and their teams of sled dogs, depending completely on each other, fight heavy snow and ice storms in a race against time. The “Serum Run to Nome”, as this real event became known, captured the world’s attention well beyond the Alaskan border. Lena Zeise’s retelling and illustrations of this true story of wilderness survival makes a breathtaking tale of companionship, courage and the unique bond between the dog drivers and their teams.
696 g
Year of publication:
Continent: Africa
Country: Togo
Region: Westafrika
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