GuideItaliaItalyValle d'AostaHikingWanderführerWandernWandertourenWanderungenWanderwegeFührerOutdoorWestalpenMont Blanc-MassivVallée d'AosteAlpes gréesAlpi GraieParco Nazionale del Gran ParadisoGran San BernardoPetit St-BernardGrand St-Bernard
50 selected excursions in the western part of Valle d’Aosta, which includes the famous areas of Mont Blanc and Gran Paradiso. You will find yourself walking against the backdrop of the great panoramas of the Ferret, Veny and Valdigne valleys; touching on the ruins of what was a very important Roman road, the Via delle Gallie in the valleys of La Thuile and Great St. Bernard; passing through the predominant nature of Valgrisenche, Val di Rhêmes and Valsavarenche; and hiking through extraordinary landscape in the area between Valdigne and the city of Aosta.