neuseelandReisentravelHikingTrekkingWandernReiseliteraturReiseberichtTrailFernwanderwegWalkingAuszeitTod2010 bis 2019 n. Chr.LebenshilfeTrennungFernwandernSabbatjahrTrauerbewältigungAutobiografien: allgemeinPersönlichkeitsentwicklung und praktische TippsLänderberichtBezug zu MaoriTe AraroaBackpackingSchicksalsschlagalleinreisende frauenbook for womenbreak upBuch für FrauenDeathfrau allein unterwegshiking reportLangstreckenwandernliteratur für frauenliterature for womenlong-distance walking trailSabbaticalself-discoverysolo-travellerstroke of fatetravel reportsolo traveller
Within half a year Ann Saul had lost her mum, her husband, their future child and in the end, herself. There was only pain inside her; no strength left to live; no strength left to die. All she could do was leave her previous life behind.
Through knee-deep mud, torrential rivers, narrow gullies, along sharp ridges and endless beaches she walked through the wilderness of New Zealand. Te Araroa – ‘the long pathway’ – became her home for five months. Dangers and the deprivation of any luxury slowly shook her numb mind back awake. The breath-taking nature, the wonderful country and special encounters helped her to process what had happened and to re-discover the long lost joys of laughter and life.
The travel adventure ‘Walk It Off’ is a day-to-day tale of hiking one of the longest and most diverse long-distance trails in the world; New Zealand’s ‘Te Araroa’. The description of New Zealand’s unique charm seen out of a foreigner’s eye is combined with the progress of inner healing, growth and awakening.
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