GuideTrekkingWanderführerWandernweitwanderführerWeitwandernFührerOutdoorHimalaja8000erKarakorumTreksTrekBroad PeakK 2karakoramgasherbrumConcordiaK2 base campGilgitHigh Asia8000mAskoleBiafoBroad Peak Base CampDiamir Faceeight-thousanderFairy MeadowsGilgit-BaltistanHisparRakhiot Base CampSkardu
A guidebook to 3 high-altitude treks in Pakistan’s Karakoram mountains, plus 2 shorter routes on the flanks of Nanga Parbat in the neighbouring Himalaya. With the exception of the Fairy Meadows trek, all the routes are strenuous and are recommended for experienced trekkers.
The guide includes 3 treks of 12 days each (excluding rest days): Biafo to Hispar via Snow Lake; a K2 Base Camp Trek; and a crossing of Gondogoro La. The Nanga Parbat routes visit Fairy Meadows (3 days) and Diamir or West Face (5 days).
Route description illustrated with 1:100.000 mapping and elevation profiles
Advice on planning and preparation, including trek operators
Safety considerations
History of mountaineering and exploration in the Karakoram
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