Skye and North West Highlands Sea Kayaking
Schottland (ENG)

Skye and North West Highlands Sea Kayaking

Schottland (ENG)
€ 31,90
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Lieferung in 3 bis 4 Wochen
Vereinigtes Königreich Great Britain United Kingdom Scotland Kanu Paddelführer Paddeln Kajak kayak Schottische Highlands Hebrides Inner Hebrides Ratharsair Vadvízi evezős kalauz Vodácký Průvodce
Ardnamurchan Point to Cape Wrath, the names of the headlands at either end of the area contained within these pages, even have their own section in the weather forecast. There are islands galore, hidden beaches, tide races, great places to enjoy the local seafood and amazing people to meet. All of this set within a fantastic, variable culture of Norse and Gaelic influence that go to make this an area you will return to time and again. Fifty journeys are described in a way that is both inspirational and informative. Details of launching and landing sites, tides and potential hazards are provided and the coast is described in exquisite detail. This means that it can also be used as a kayaker’s ‘pilot’ for any journey they might wish to undertake in this area. It follows the successful format of other Pesda Press sea kayaking guides, presenting the information in a user-friendly fashion and making good use of maps and colour photographs. Format: paperback; 264 pages; 240mm x 170mm; colour photos and maps

845 g
Kontinent: Europa
Bundesland / Provinz: Schottland
Orte / Berge / Seen: Eigg, Raasay, Rum, Cape Wrath, Rona
Kategorien: Kanusport
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