Secret Campania: Pompeii, Amalfi Coast and Naples area
von: Franchini Maria, Grimaldi Valerio Ceva, Verlag: Jonglez Verlag

Secret Campania: Pompeii, Amalfi Coast and Naples area

von: Franchini Maria, Grimaldi Valerio Ceva, Verlag: Jonglez Verlag
€ 17,95
inkl. MwSt.
Lieferung in 1 bis 4 Werktagen
Europa Guide travel Italia Italy süditalien campania Costiera Amalfitana Golfo di Napoli Mar Tirreno Mittelmeer Napoli City-Guide Amalfi Benevento

A marble plaque that weeps twice a year, exceptional scuba diving among the mosaics and temples of an ancient Roman city, a magnificent amphitheatre full of stone spectators, forgotten pagan traditions, the world’s largest censer, a sublime secret library hidden in a monastery, traces of the beating wings of the Archangel Michael, flagellation in a remarkable penitential rite, pitchers
from the Wedding at Cana in an obscure sanctuary, stunning little-known frescoes ...
The Campania region, far from the crowds and clichés, has one of the richest cultural heritages in Italy. Whether on the Amalfi Coast, at Pompeii, in the Cilento, at Benevento, or Caserta, or just in the area around Naples, its hidden treasures are
revealed only to locals and to travellers who know how to leave the beaten path far behind.
An indispensable guide for those who thought they knew Campania well or who would like to discover other facets of this fascinating region.

350 g
Franchini Maria, Grimaldi Valerio Ceva
Kontinent: Europa
Land: Italien
Bundesland / Provinz: Kampanien
Orte / Berge / Seen: Neapel, Pompeji, Benevent, Caserta
Kategorien: Reiseführer
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