GuideGorges du VerdonItaliaItalyMittelmeerFührerClimbingKletterführerToposFranceSüdfrankreichOutdoorgreeceMehrseillängenUnited StatesVereinigte StaatenWüstesardegnaSardiniaKalambákaMetéora-KlösterDesertJordanMittelmeerraumZion National ParkMehrseillängenroutenMehrseillängentourenMadagascarZion NationalparkWādī RammPACAMSL
Rock around the World/Grandes voies autour du monde
180 multi-pitches:
Calanques - Verdon - Sardinia/Sardinien - Metéora - Wadi Rum - Tsaranoro (Madagaskar) - USA
A selection of 180 multi-pitch routes around the world
Through this book, I aim to inspire you to dream big and then to guide you expertly up some of the most beautiful rock faces in the world.
Before setting off, the spectacular, often full-page photos and the descriptions presenting the routes will awaken your curiosity, instilling in you a desire to go out and touch that rock, to discover that region and its people. Particular care has been taken to give you all information necessary for each trip and above all to ensure your climbs are pleasantly calm, by providing all of the following: a precise description of the approach and the descent, most often accompanied by a sketch; the route drawn onto a photo; and details of the gear required.
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