On this 2016 edition the latest firing practice areas are shown. The chart has had general updating throughout. This edition of G26 includes a new plan of Nisídhes Petaloi & Approaches to Marmari. Habour plans of Rafína and Liménas Alivériou have been removed. A revised plan of Porthmós Evrípou is included that is now at a larger scale of 1:15 000, this plan has also been extended to the South to include Ó Voukári. Plans included: Linariá (Nísos Skíros) (1:5000) Kími (Nísos Évvoia) (1:12 500) Approaches to Khalkís (1:35 000) Porthmós Evrípou (1:15 000) Dhíavlos Stenó (1:20 000) Erétria (Nísos Évvoia) (1:15 000) Nisídhes Petaloi & Approaches to Marmari (1:85 000)