KarteMapItaliaItalyValle d'AostaHikingWandernWanderungenWanderwegeCarta escursionisticatopografischTuristická MapaWanderkarteOutdoorItalienische AlpenWestalpenVallée d'AosteAlpes gréesAlpi GraieGrand ParadispiemonteParco Nazionale Gran ParadisoValli di Lanzo4000
Hier geht's zum interaktiven Blattschnitt der Fraternali-Wanderkarten im Maßstab 1:50.000!
Waterproof and tear-resistant.
For the realization of this paper map, hundreds of km has been walked on streets and paths, recording routes with gps technology
This job technique allows us to obtain a precise collocation of all the useful elements for a hiker.
The paper is based on the creation of a complete geographic database, organized on the GIS software with the following levels:
Excursional information (shelters, bivouacs, climbing walls, equipped areas, places of interest, etc.)
Cartographic legends and general information ( entirely translated in English, French, German)
Specific elements such us fountains, piles, crosses, access restrictions etc.
Primary and secondary path network
Complete road network.
Lakes, rivers, canals
National, regional, provincial, local borders, national parks
Land typology (Woodlands, glaciers, stony grounds etc.)
Curves of 50m equidistance
Military buildings, fortifications
Designation of the most important excursional routes
Complete toponymy
This paper has also a metric grid shown in a frame according the UTM WGS84 projection.
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