Cruising Guide to Trinidad and Tobago
Includes Barbados and Guyana

Cruising Guide to Trinidad and Tobago

Includes Barbados and Guyana
€ 44,90
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Lieferung in 7 bis 14 Werktagen
Trinidad, Tobago, Barbados and Guyana are fast becoming the most popular destinations for cruising yachtsmen in the Caribbean.  This new edition is the most comprehensive of its type published for this area. Chris Doyle along with the collaborative efforts of Charlene Defrietas, Cathy Whitby, Jeff Fisher and Peter Hoad have explored these islands extensively, offering comprehensive information on a wide variety of facilities, ranging from marinas to haul-out yards and marine repair services.  Additionally, Doyle and his associates provide information about shore side activities including dining, resorts, bird watching and shopping.  This edition contains many color photographs and is packed with updated information on navigation and sketch charts with GPS coordinates. Other features include sections on planning the cruise, weather, star charts, scuba diving and snorkeling, customs and immigration, communications, sightseeing and a directory of services including email and website addresses. Verlag: Cruising Guide Publications AutorInnen: Doyle Chris Produktdetails: EAN: 9780944428962 Erscheinungsjahr: 2013 Einband: Kartoniert Seiten: 120 Seiten Karten,
Kategorien: Revierführer Meer
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