Crossbill Guide Dordogne

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Frankreich Guide Reiseführer Aquitaine Wandern Flora Natur Ökologie France Neu-Aquitanien Nouvelle-Aquitaine Birding Fauna Tiere Vogel Outdoor Birdwatching beobachten Birds Ornis Ornithologie Vogelbeobachtung Vogelführer Vogelkunde Vogelwelt Naturführer westfrankreich Schmetterlinge Ökotourismus Reptilien Dordogne Orchideen
This guidebook describes the nature and wildlife of the Dordogne area of south-west France. It includes the lower and middle sections of the Dordogne and Vézère valleys; the scrubby grassland causses at Terrasson, Daglan and Paussac; the Double, Landais and Bessède forests; the arable plateaux at Faux and Verteillac; the uplands towards the Massif Central, as well as several marshlands scattered across the area.

Landscape history Ecosystems Geology Flora and Fauna Where to watch birds Finding orchids, dragonflies, butterflies, reptiles & amphibians 21 detailed routes with observation tips and 23 site descriptions

We take you through the best of this area via carefully described routes and sites which will introduce you to the wildlife wonders of Dordogne, beginner and expert alike. These vary from car routes with short walks to cycling and walking options. There is detailed information on species and habitats, including where and how to find orchids, dragonflies, butterflies, reptiles and amphibians. If you are searching for birds like Black Woodpecker or Eagle Owl check out the bird list.

Forest, farmland and far more

Dordogne is a beautiful mosaic of forest and mixed farming in a hilly landscape sprinkled with pretty medieval villages. Against this background, the great Dordogne river system, scattered marshes and remnants of the once-extensive causse grasslands add greatly to the wildlife interest. With relatively few people and a large network of lanes and tracks, the area is ideal for the nature-minded visitor to discover. Mediterranean, Atlantic and Continental influences, coupled with such things as varied geology, aspect, altitude and management history, help to ensure a maximum range of species across habitats.

Orchids and butterflies

The scrubby causse grasslands provide some of the finest wildlife habitat with masses of orchids in spring and butterflies in summer. Lady, Lizard, Fly and Woodcock Orchids are common, but with around 50 orchid species across Dordogne there are many more to search for. Butterflies are plentiful and diverse with the causses harbouring such gems as Spotted Fritillary and Turquoise Blue, whilst the forests hold beauties like Lesser Purple Emperor and Woodland Brown. The marshes are notable for False Ringlet and Large Chequered Skipper.

Rich birdlife

Birds take centre stage on the arable plateaux with rare species like Black-winged Kite, Rock Sparrow and Tawny Pipit. The cliffs along the main rivers are also special with wintering Wallcreeper and Alpine Accentor and nesting Alpine Swift. But even around the villages you’ll be charmed by the richness of the birdlife with Hoopoe, Black Redstart and Serin all present in summer and with Turtle Dove, Golden Oriole, Bonelli’s Warbler and maybe Middle Spotted Woodpecker in adjacent woodlands.

History and culture

Prehistory and history is omnipresent in Dordogne and adds immensely to the enjoyment of any trip, as does the French cuisine and wines. Some of the vineyards conserve ancient tulip populations.

This is the first comprehensive guidebook to the wildlife of Dordogne and is a compact aid to finding the most interesting flora and fauna of the region.

Specifications Authors/Autoren: David Simpson and Frank Jouandoudet Language/Sprache: English/Englisch Publication/Erscheinungsjahr: 2018 ISBN: 978 94 91648 1 37 Pages/Seitenzahl: 256 Weight/Gewicht: 550 grams Size/Maße: 21 x 15 cm Colour/Farbe: Full Colour
500 g
David Simpson, Frank Jouandoudet
Höhe in mm:
Breite in mm:
Kontinent: Europa
Bundesland / Provinz: Neu-Aquitanien
Region: Dordogne
Kategorien: Naturführer
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