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Hier geht's zum interaktiven Blattschnitt der 4Land-Karten.
Präzise topographische Karte
100% Field Survey – Roads we drove, Trails we walked, Data we collected on the Spot
2 pages/Seiten
Dolomiti di Brenta Trek - Dolomiti di Brenta Bike
Itinerari Sci-Alpinismo/Skitouren
4LAND Map N. 139. The most detailed and updated map of the Gruppo di Brenta; it includes the long-distance trails Dolomiti di Brenta Trek and Bike highlighted: very popular trails for bikers and hikers that stretch around the Brenta. All trails, roads and points of interest were recorded in the field using GPS devices. Reference map for local
Mountain Rescue. It is designed for both, mountainbikers and hikers. It is printed on Polyart, a waterproof, tearproof and reclyble material. The map is printed on both sides.
Map Scale: 1:25.000.
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